Saturday, October 20, 2012

Offical Fan Club, I wish I could join!

Ok so I'm really pissed that there is no official fan club in the U.S. for Morning Musume! I mean damn it Hello! Project i want to give you my freaking money buit cause I'm in the U.S. you won't take it? WTF!!! And why don't they sell they're merch. to us either? What part of I want you to take my money don't you understand!!! T_T so sad right now. Also whats up with the Hawaii fan club tour? Is there a U.S. fan club that I don't know about? I mean I know Hawaii has a lot of Japanese people living there but come on! I just wanna buy the merch. and be apart of the fan club, like I said take my money already! >_< gah this makes me want to move to Japan even more, but now I may just move to Hawaii once I get all the information straight!

 ya ok so sorry for the bitching, to make it better here's some classic MoMusu!

 It had to be this video because it's Gaki-san's birthday! and she is way cute here!


Random Wota Out! 

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